Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Hazar for Eeyargh

International Talk Like a Pirate Day is upon us, or should I say "Talk like a Pirate Day ahoy!" Did pirates use the word ahoy, or was it just a naval thing? In fact, a good number of the more established pirates were actually just the navy of a foreign power who was at war with your country - i.e. the French pirated the British merchant ships, the British pirated the Spanish, and the Spanish pirated everyone. Or not - I could have just made that all up. Either way, it was a good story.

I'm prac teaching a class of Yr 5 students at the moment, and I think I'll give the day a mention, but I will stop short of trying to talk like a pirate all day. Too mentally exhausting.

At this stage, however, I would like to proffer (a very cool word) that the word "hazar," as English as it sounds, and as Hebrew as it's root might be, is quite piratical (also a cool word), and causes me to issue a lusty Hazar for talking like a pirate! Eeyargh!

[Category: random_stuff]

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Hazar for Random CDs

Okay, here's my first post about my CD catalogue - some Random CDs. Everyone has a small pile of CDs sitting somewhere in their house which weren't put together for any reason, and which won't be listened to in any particular order. Here is my current pile:

  • The sound of Milano Fashion 4 Cool D:Vision - thought this would be good after hearing it at a restaurant. Either I bought the wrong CD or the restaurant had it in the mix with something else. Either way, only good for background.

  • Grey's Anatomy Original Soundtrack - love the show, not so fussed about the CD. Tegan and Sara's "Where does the good go" and Psapp's "Cosy in the rocket" are the standout highlights. Worth it just for the Psapp track.

  • Both sides of the gun Ben Harper - also not so fussed with this. I loved Live from Mars, but this got a bit too country for me. Meh.

  • Everything Is Nine Black Alps - I heard a song from this band on JJJ one day and thought "I have to buy that CD one day." About 6 months later I remembered to do so, but could not remember which song I liked and why. I still can't work it out, so this goes on my list of dud purchases.

  • Like a version two JJJ - a spur of the moment purchase when in an ABC shop. I think I liked the idea of the Mountain Goats singing "Wild World" but the rest of the CD is a bit of a disappointment. I'll give it another shot, but this also might end up in my pile of background music CDs.

That's my random pile at the moment. Stay tuned for more on the catalogue, and hazar for all your random CDs.


[Category: my_cd_catalogue]

Monday, September 04, 2006

Hazar for Third Place

Hazar! Kristarella has announced me the third place winner in her Self-Portrait Competition. I really only entered because I wanted to show off my weird beard, and I'm quited chuffed that Kriso thought this was good enough to give me even the lowliest of prizes. Thanks, and hazar for third place.
