Saturday, April 14, 2007

Hazoo for my logo

My logo sucks. I need a new one.

I was bored at work one day, so I decided to chuck together a logo for my blog. Unfortunately, my creativity was stifled by the following facts:
  1. I only had Paint to work with;
  2. "Hazar for everything" does not instantly lend itself to graphical representations in the same way that say "fish out of water" or "not for the cricket" do and;
  3. I have no creativity.

So I opened up Paint, typed "Hazar for Everything" in two different colours, turned it into a gif and added it as a logo, but now I'm really unhappy with it.

So hazoo for my pitiful attempt at a logo, and a pre-emptive hazar for anyone who wishes to come up with a better one for me. Go on - you know you want to...

[Category: random_stuff]


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I think of "Hazar" I think of exclamation so I tried a few things on the train this afternoon.
Attempt 1
Attempt 2
Attempt 3

Feel free to not like them or suggest something different or different colours. I like little graphics projects :)

16/4/07 3:50 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like attempt 3. I'll take a shot tonight at home.

8/8/07 11:01 am  

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