Hazar for the Metters Super Twin
I felt a bit sad about the whole thing - I like having a few extra fridges around to keep some drinks cool or to be really useful for parties. And I also felt like this was a piece of my childhood gone. When I asked Mum about it, she said the fridge had been purchased shortly before I was born - about 26 (argh) years ago.
Now I know that the old thing has probably been sucking up more than its fair share of coal and other natural resources for a good long while, and it's probably been spewing out ozone killing CFCs for a quarter of a century, just to keep a few of my drinks cool, but I can't help feeling that it was a quality appliance. What item purchased today do you expect to be around in 26 years? Your car? Your microwave? Your TV? Piffle - no one expects anything to last these days, and the manufacturers know it. Only Tupperware comes with a lifetime guarantee - everything else is expected to last only two Christmases and then get replaced with a newer model.
So, although I know little about Metters, their Super Twin fridge, or why there's the number 12 before it, I'd like to issue a hearty hazar for Metters and their quality appliance, and an equally hearty hazoo for all those manufacturers out there who don't like their applicances to reach their third birthday.
Oh Edwin. I didn't know your blog exsisted until you posted something on mine and I feel my life was therefore lacking somewhat!!!
And here I was thinking that your first ever blog entry was some kind of homage to me. Silly me.
What a nice post. Sorry your fridge died. My parents still have the same one that I think they've always had. Those old appliances certainly are hardy - we have an old fridge and washer that my Pop gave us when we were married, they're still going strong.
Yes, hazar for old washing machines, and the way in which they entertain by never staying in the same place. My dad's old washing machine, which is now in my garage, could probaly get into the third round of So you think you can dance with all the moves it makes. Whoo down, cowboy.
hey ed
thanks for reminding us that as far as technology advances, the power of the almighty buck still wins.
I have gone through about 5 mobile phones in 4 years.
I dont want it to play music, take photos or stream live cricket. I just want it to last a few measly years.
Yeah, phones are a great example of this. They are outrageously disposable and poorly constructed. Interestingly, I find that it is not the mp3 player, live cricket streaming or camera which normally dies first - it is the simple things like the buttons, joystick, screen or battery - the bits that haven't really changed in the last 10 years. I have no real point to make other than saying hazoo for the manufacturers.
I can't work out how to post a comment, but the fridge that you so fondly refer to was actually purchased in 1969....... so it is/was a good deal older than you!!
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