Thursday, October 28, 2004

I remember once finding the 'Last page of the Internet' which I thought was quite humourous. Imagine my mirth therefore, when I visited Enjoy.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Fish Out Of Water

The blog of one of my good friends - check out Fish Out Of Water. If you've ever wondered about political stuff in Australia, Adam has the ability to make sense of it, especially from a Christian point of view. I commend it to your reading...

Hazar for Everything

Welcome and hazar for you!

I'm pleased to announce that this will be a happy blog - none of these "the world is one big pile of rubbish" or "all politicians are corrupt" blogs - this is a blog that will be happy about most stuff.

Well, most stuff... I do have a few gripes with the world and I don't naively believe that the world is a completely hazarful place, but I do want to be generally positive, not negative about stuff.

Looking forward to posting more on my happy blog,