Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Hazar for binary rating systems

Yes, I am a bit of a nerd. I have a blog, and glasses. Enough said.

There are some things in this world worth giving a big hazar to, while there are others which aren't so hazarific, and which are probably more deserving of the darker side of hazar - hazoo. Thus a binary ratings system is born - hazar for some things, hazoo for others. And, just quietly, I prefer a binary (that means there are only 2 options, for those without glasses) system over any other, more complex system. What does half a star mean anyway? You never saw gladiators in the Colosseum looking up to the Emperor waiting for two and a half thumbs up, did you? No - it was either thumbs up or thumbs down; green light or red light; hazar or hazoo.

And so we come to the first hazoo of my blog - Hazoo for neck beards.

They're itchy, they're difficult to shave off, and they never look good. I think I've made my point.

Stay tuned for more hazars and hazoos.


Thursday, November 04, 2004

Hazar for Voting

I don't do this often, but I feel like getting political.

I have just watched a bit of the US Presidential election and I'm happy to see that large numbers of people actually turned up to vote. I live in a country where voting is compulsary and therefore roughly 95% of the population turn up to cast their ballot at an election. In the vaguely-United States, they are happy with a 50% turnout. So, when 60% or so turned up this time (I just made that figure up by the way - I can't back it up) it definitely is good to see people are caring. The fact that a majority voted for George dubya Bush is another issue...

I like the fact that so many people turned up they didn't quite know what to do with them, and so bewildered officials had to hand out "paper ballots" to people in the lines! When push comes to shove, a good ol' fashioned pencil and paper method always wins over time-consuming technology. Hazar for pencils!
