Hazar for binary rating systems
Yes, I am a bit of a nerd. I have a blog, and glasses. Enough said.
There are some things in this world worth giving a big hazar to, while there are others which aren't so hazarific, and which are probably more deserving of the darker side of hazar - hazoo. Thus a binary ratings system is born - hazar for some things, hazoo for others. And, just quietly, I prefer a binary (that means there are only 2 options, for those without glasses) system over any other, more complex system. What does half a star mean anyway? You never saw gladiators in the Colosseum looking up to the Emperor waiting for two and a half thumbs up, did you? No - it was either thumbs up or thumbs down; green light or red light; hazar or hazoo.
And so we come to the first hazoo of my blog - Hazoo for neck beards.
They're itchy, they're difficult to shave off, and they never look good. I think I've made my point.
Stay tuned for more hazars and hazoos.
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If you don't, then hazoo to you :)
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