Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Hazoo for Channel Ten

Has anyone been watching Channel Ten's (in Sydney that is) promos for The O.C.? The plot for this week seems to spruik some kind of lesbian affair between two characters, and Channel Ten have chosen to use music from christian band Switchfoot to underpin the promo. Christian music to promote the immorality of The O.C.? Doesn't anyone think before making these choices? Now, according to Switchfoot, this is nothing new -

from www.switchfoot.com:
Over the course of the past several years, more than 40 Switchfoot songs have been used for several nationally televised shows, including “Dawson’s Creek” (five songs), “Regis and Kelly,” “Felicity,” and many more. “The context in which the songs are used can be pretty funny,” says Foreman. “I remember writing a song about spiritual longing and then seeing it played back during a hot tub scene on some show. The songs can wind up very far from the edge of the bed where they were originally written.”

I don't think it's that funny - I think it's ridiculous. Maybe bands should be asked before their music is used way out of context in a particular show.



Blogger Adam Gregory said...


I had no idea. How ridiculous...

19/4/05 2:23 pm  
Blogger Adam Gregory said...

And yeah, welcome back ;)

19/4/05 2:27 pm  

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